College and Board Secretary V
Agusan del Sur State College of Agruculture and Technology
Plenary Talk:
The contribution of Teacher Education Institutions in the realization of the Anti-God-given Mother Tongue Act
Francis Tom A. Paredes is the author and publisher of the Sinurigao Learning Manual with 4 editions. He had presented research papers in different national and international conferences on linguistics, language, literature, and education. Awarded with best research papers in different institutions, Outstanding DepEd Teacher of Surigao del Norte in 2016, Recipient of the 2016 JCI Surigao Nickel, Inc. President’s Award, Recipient of 2021 The Magkuno Lifetime Achievement Award for Advocacy and Service from the Caraga Association of State Universities and Colleges, Inc., Recipient of the 2022 ASSCAT President’s Award of Distinction for sterling performance and professional competence in leadership and management in the area of governing board coordination services, and 2023 Outstanding Alumni of the Mariano Espina Memorial Central Elementary School. Paredes also contributed a significant part as contributor of the Technical Working Group (TWG) in writing the Agribusiness Plan for San Luis and Talacogon, Agusan del Sur, the Land Use Development and Infrastructure Plan (LUDIP), Administrative Manual, Crisis Management
Manual, and Board of Trustees Item Inclusion Policy of the Agusan del Sur State College of Agriculture and Technology (ASSCAT). He finished his High School major in Electronics, Bachelor of Secondary Education major in English with the thesis titled “The ideal Supreme Student Government (SSG) leaders as perceived by the Teacher Education Students: Basis for a Proposed Supreme Student Government (SSG) Manual AY 2007–2008” where the output is still used by the SNSU SSG, and Master of Arts in Education major in English with the thesis titled “Impact of Mother Tongue-based Language of Instruction in Learning English
Grammar” at then Surigao State College of Technology now Surigao Norte State University. Then, this year, 2024, Paredes was the first and the only graduate in the doctorate program of the Philippine Normal University – Mindanao, the National Center for Teacher Education, with the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in English Language Education with the dissertation titled “Knowledge Acquisition through Appropriate L1+L2 Additive Medium (KAAL1+2AM): A Framework Integrating the Mother-Tongue-based Multilingual Education (MTB-MLE) Concepts in Teacher Education Institutions (TEIs) in the Philippines”.
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